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Novena to St. Veronica

Please join us in a Novena to St. Veronica beginning July 2nd. For details see this PDF:

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Saint Veronica Giuliani Monastery

The Poor Clare Monastery of St. Veronica Giuliani in Wilmington, Delaware is the dwelling place of sisters who live in community, embracing a life of poverty and joyful simplicity. Our Community originally came from Mexico on December 12, 1986. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study, and silence, all for the greater glory of God.  Following the example of Christ, who lived a hidden life in Nazareth with Mary, His Mother, we live a cloistered life. This way of life is a visible sign of our free and total consecration to God. Our Monastery is named after St. Veronica Giuliani, an 18th century Capuchin Poor Clare mystic and Stigmatist.

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What is a Capuchin Poor Clare?

The Poor Clare sisters are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the 13th century.  The Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters were established in 1538 by Venerable Maria Lorenza Longa. They were guided spiritually by the Capuchin Franciscan friars who differentiated themselves by a uniquely devout prayer life and gladly supported their Poor Clare sister’s pursuit of an intense life of prayer, austerity, and community.  

Today, a Capuchin Poor Clare sister is a woman who has centered her life around the contemplation and praise of God. She is a woman who chooses to live in silence and solitude adhering faithfully to the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare. She is a woman who unites herself to the crucified Christ through love and the forgetfulness of her own self-interests. She is a simple woman who lives the Gospel in community with her sisters, while embracing poverty and humility. She is a woman of prayer, interceding day and night for the needs of the Church and of the world.

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Our Profession

Our religious profession (Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience) enable us to freely commit our whole being to Christ and His Church. In doing so, the seeds of holiness given at Baptism grow unceasingly. Through our years of ongoing formation and reflection on the Word of God, we cultivate a deep self-awareness, and gratitude for the grace of our calling.

To learn more about our life, or if you believe that God may be calling to live as a Capuchin Poor Clare, please reach out to us.

If you have received the call of God, reach out to us at: (302) 654-8727 

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Capuchin Sisters of Saint Veronica Giulliani Monastery in Wilmington, DE

Capuchin Sisters of Saint Veronica Giulliani Monastery in Wilmington, DE

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Capuchin Sisters of Our Lady of Angels Federation

Capuchin Sisters of Our Lady of Angels Federation

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Contact Us

Saint Veronica Giuliani Monastery
816 N Jefferson St
Wilmington, DE 19801

(302) 654-8727


Thank you for reaching out to us

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